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Showing posts from May, 2016

Raffle Quilt

I was commissioned by a group of ladies from our local American Legion to make a quilt for them to raffle off for their scholarship fund. I decided to go with a red/white/blue theme and settled on a Carpenter's Star pattern. All of the fabrics are good quality quilting fabrics. No cheap stuff here! The batting is an 80/20 blend. Finished size is approximately 80" x 90". Completed Quilt Center of Quilt I did an edge-to-edge design and used Superior Thread's King Tut in a variegated red/white/blue color. Quilting Detail My mother graciously helped by finishing the binding since it is no secret in my house that I do not enjoy hand sewing, although I did sew on the label. The name of the quilt was inspired by the pattern. Carpenters are builders, and this quilt will go towards providing funds for some student's future. Quilt Label Tickets will be $1.00 each (so I hope the ladies sell lots of tickets!!). I know I will be buying some in hopes of w...

Truffle Tote by CloBird

I recently tested the Truffle Tote pattern from Clobird Designs . I opted to do a Dresden plate version of the bag because I liked the idea. I found a neat Dresden pattern that I scaled down to fit. While I wasn't totally pleased with my final product, I did like the functionality of it. I even used it on a trip via airplane and car to carry my laptop and a few other goodies with me. It worked out great. Clobird approached me about making another one to display at the upcoming Spring Quilt Market in Salt Lake City. Why, heck yeah!! Materials were provided and I got to work on it. My bag will be in the Andover fabrics booth. All of the fabrics are from Andover including prints from Di Hall-Ford and Kathy Ford, along with a beautiful caramel chambray.  About the only deviation I made from the pattern was to add a layer of Pellon's Flex Foam to the bag bottom to protect my laptop. This time around, I love the finished product. After the show, ...